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PWS Awareness Month

May is Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) Awareness Month, and every May OPWSA runs a PWS Awareness campaign on our Facebook Page and Instagram

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Did You Know? - Facts About PWS

Each day we share a "Did You Know" fact about PWS. We encourage our members to share these facts with their networks and communities to help spread PWS Awareness and educate other people about PWS issues and impacts.


These posts can be used year-round as needed. We often hear from families and caregivers that extended family or friends don't truly understand PWS, so the "Did You Know" facts can help to paint a clearer picture of life with PWS.

PWS Everyday Challenge

Throughout the month, we also run the PWS Everyday Challenge which encourages individuals with PWS and their supporters to get involved in a variety of daily activities such as walking 2km, completing puzzles, other physical and mindfulness activities, as well as arts and crafts. Participants follow along with our PWS Everyday Challenge using the calendar of activities. We encourage those participating in the challenge to share their journey with us. 


Stories From Our Community

During May, we share stories of members in our community. Check out the stories in our Blog.


Follow along on our Facebook and Instagram pages and share your own journey. #PWSEveryday

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